Tuesday 21 June 2016

Wild Campsie Camping Father's Eve

Setting off from the road for fun & adventure 
Al & Jack help carry the gear in

Camp spot

Camp spot

Home for the night 

Midge hoods essential as the wee critters begin to feast

Nice evening

Setting up camp

Al plays 'The Lament for Mrs McTavish of Oban' on his thermarest

Craig doesn't need a midge hood to deal with the midgie swarms... just a cool pair of shades

Ishbel masters the art of eating giant cookies whilst wearing a midge hood 

Ishbel helping to carry the bags of logs from the car

Fire lit (& Craig's midge hood on...) 


Sausages on the go


Al proudly shows off his twin-pronged marshmallow toaster

Fireside fun

Sea of bog-cotton

Campfire smoke rising above a sea of bog-cotton

Moon rise


Marshmallow toaster stick pyrotechnics

Marshmallow toaster stick pyrotechnics & hot chocolates

Getting late


All smiles

Jack in the glow from the fire & Ishbel's magic wand

An audience with Craig

Craig the raconteur

"Shhhhh!!! Did you hear that?" Camp fire tales

Nearly time to turn in

Craig in the glow from the fire. The Reddleman! Return of The Native

Lovely atmospheric lighting

Jack proudly displaying his grubby, ash-marked face

Al posturing

Turning in for the night

Ishbel still perky at midnight

Settling down

Getting ready for bed

Away from it all

Moon behind clouds with orange glow from light pollution in Glasgow 15 miles beyond the horizon


Midnight. The wonderful evocative thrumming of snipe could be heard regularly above the sound of the burn

Breakfast! The cloud swarms of midges around the tents in the morning weren't too bad by the fire

Coming to

Craig's healthy option Scooby snack breakfast

Dino gets his own midge hood

Ceremonial burning of the bacon packets

Al goes all ninja on me with the tent poles

Packed up

Jack checks for wildlife

Me with midge hood turban & Jack

Going for a wander


Helicopter rides with Alastair

Heading back to the car

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