Friday 17 June 2016

Download 2016

On Sunday June 12th I arranged to go to the Download Festival at Castle Donington with my old school friend Martin Webster. I couldn't travel down the day before because we were having a party for Harriet's 3rd birthday and my 50th. So I set my alarm for 5.45am and was sneaking out the house and on the road just after 6am for the 5hr drive to Nottingham where Martin lives and near Castle Donington.

Not a refugee crisis in the East Midlands but holiday makers heading for East Midlands Airport adjacent to the Download Festival/Castle Donnington who got stuck in the 4hr traffic jam and had to jump out of cars/taxis stuck in the tailback and walk to the airport... 

After a 5hr drive from Glasgow to Nottingham and then stuck in a 4hr traffic jam for a 30minute journey the caffeine was starting to wear off...

Made it! Parked in a field somewhere near Castle Donnington - only 4hrs late!

Uh oh... mud... a wee taster of things to come...

After 3 days of torrential rain and 80,000 festival goers each day we were expecting things to be a bit muddy...

More mud...

The organisers planned that 2 fields full of cars like this should all enter then exit by 1 or 2 points only...

Seriously muddy at the festival entrance

Pizza anyone? We queue for some fast food. 

I couldn't get over the mud! 

More mud 

Three apparent members of Mad Max's road crew listening to Dan Braco on Stage 2.

Stage 2

Stage 2 and the mud 

A rare island of grass under the Mr Whippy ice-cream van 


Stage 4, where we were really sheltering from a 20minute downpor outside 

Decidedly gloomy

Cool sculpture in front of Stage 3

Ice cream anyone? 

Nightwish on the Main Stage

Scenes like this cracked me up!

Scene from a British Summer music festival

Seriously muddy!

Iron Maiden headline Sunday

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