Friday 4 September 2015

Crow Road Cosmos

Cabin fever got the better of me last night and I popped out late on to check out conditions around The Crow Road over The Campsie Fells. The origin of the name of this road always intrigues me as does the Glasgow expression "Awa' The Crow Road" to mean someone's died.
The big car-park on the bend in the road was busy with several cars parked up in the dark with lights on but not much activity evident- courting couples & doggers I've always suspected! And yet somehow it was me that felt guilty and furtive as I got out of the car with my camera gear & tripod, setting off in the dark with muffled head-torch in search of waterfalls and stars.
I didn't manage much but it was a good scouting trip: Yes you do get decent starry skies this close to Glasgow with The Milky Way (just). The waterfalls are rather secluded and shielded by trees. I came back with some good ideas for the next clear night.

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