Thursday 28 July 2016

Durham Natwest Blast T20 Match, Hadrian's Wall & Berwick-upon-Tweed

Last Friday Ishbel and Alastair and I collected my old friend Graham/DJ from St.Andrew's University days and headed down to Durham's cricket ground at Chester-le-Street for the Natwest Blast T20 cricket match between Durham and Lancashire. On the way down we stopped off at a section of Hadrian's Wall at Birdoswald Roman Fort. We stayed overnight in a Premier Inn on the edge of Durham and returned home the next day via The Angel of The North, Newcastle and a lunch stop in Berwick-upon-Tweed. 

Graham watches Ishbel & Alastair scaling the 2,000yr old stretch of Hadrian's Wall at Birdoswald Roman Fort

Echoes of the Pictish & Scottish invaders who would have tried to cross the wall after its construction


Lunch stop in the courtyard at the visitor centre cafe

Border country

At the Emirates Riverside Arena, Chester-le-Street we were festooned with freebie hats, pendants, 4/6 placards & blow-up cricket bats

Skydiver jump out of a light aircraft above the ground before the match kicks off

Fireworks herald the players onto the pitch

Emirates had promised a free flight to Dubai for the 1st person to catch a 6 wearing an Emirates hat so all big hits were followed with excited anticipation

These guys drank beer & watched the entire game from a pitch-side hot tub 

Attempted catch of the match! (<---press link for video clip)
Highlight of the match!

The Angel of the North

Driving through the centre of Newcastle

Lunch stop in Berwick-upon-Tweed

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