Tuesday 22 March 2016

The Seminary


Some interesting links:

A film by Murray Grigor from 1972 showing how the Seminary looked when it was in use

Landscape Interface Studio

News and information from Landscape Interface Studio, School of Architecture + Landscape, Kingston University, London.
"What makes this contested site of Kilmahew/St Peter’s so powerful is the juxtaposition of Brutalist architecture with the remnants of a Victorian bucolic landscape."
Public quote:
‘I like the wild, unspoiled nature of the grounds without the formality of signs. It’s a place of discovery in an age of spoon-fed recreation.’ 

Report from 20th Century Society

 The society exists to safeguard the heritage of architecture and design in Britain from 1914 onwards

Urbex report from 28dayslater
Urban exploring website

Glasgow School of Art Archive
link to Glasgow School of Art Archive with further links to Royal Geographic Society walk
RGS Kilmahew Walk flyer
and Kilmahew walk booklet

and includes link to BBC Radio 4 programme The Concrete & The Divine with interview with Andy MacMillan
The Concrete & The Divine

A Future Reclaimed
A great video by NVA detailing their plans for reclaiming the ruins

St Peter's Seminary in Cardross- Better of Ruined?
Interesting article in Apollo International Art Magazine suggesting that the building was abandoned for reasons other than leaks and poor heating.


prayer wheel

caput mortuum
Another shot from Thursday evening's trip to St Peter's Seminary at Cardross. This was a simple torch with  one of Eddie's gels. The figure is Eddie. 
Caput mortuum (="dead head") is also known as Cardinal Purple and is the name given to a pigment used in oil paints, paper dyes and for dying the robes of important religious figures. In alchemy the term signified a useless substance left over after a chemical reaction and the epitome of decline & decay. 
It seemed an apt title. 

This spin was up at the old abandoned St Peter's Seminary at Cardross.
I love that building. Somehow the dereliction enhances the atmosphere. It is a piece of bold concrete brutalism by the famous Scottish architectural firm of Gillespie, Kidd & Coia. It is one of a few post-war buildings that is A-listed & is considered to be of world significance. Some people hate it. It has been abandoned since the 1980s and is becoming ever more ruinous. It's future remains uncertain although just recently plans were announced to redevelop the site over the coming years.

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