Sunday 24 August 2014

Photos for Mum: RSPB Lochwinnoch, Burn's Memorial & Museum Alloway, LONDON

whilst on a family day out visiting the RSPB reserve at lochwinnoch the kids enjoyed the rough & ready play area. here big sister ishbel(7.5yrs) gives wee sister harriet (1yr) a ride on a swing made from an old tyre and suspended from a tree. they were spinning around and i tried to capture the fun with a rotary pan from above. it's far from perfect but i liked the energy and fun in the scene.

Alastair took this one. We were looking around the Burns Memorial down at Alloway and I was securing 1yr old Harriet into the stroller so I hung the SLR round his neck to stop it swaying round mine and bashing the pram. He opportunistically fired off in quick succession about half a dozen shots as is his wont and this was one of them. I'd left the camera in manual mode so inadvertently his shots were all high key. I really like this one. I just increased the contrast & saturation and... voila!

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